Topanga Map
The Chamber’s Topanga Fold-Out Map is a full color, glossy, multi-page map that is not only delivered to every household in Topanga but is distributed far and wide outside of the Canyon to hotels, restaurants and other local venues. The Map is published yearly and membership guarantees that you are listed in the directory printed inside. You may also purchase a single card-sized or double card-size ad. Details on what the Map looks like can be found below. You will be notified of our publishing dates and print and size requirements when we start accepting advertisers for the next year’s Map.
The Topanga Fold-Out Map is designed and printed by the Chamber of Commerce every year in the spring. This year the theme was based on the Chamber’s marketing program for “Destination: Topanga, Where Nature, Community & Business Thrive Naturally.” The Map shows the numerous hiking, mountain biking and outdoor recreation opportunities but also our unique dining experiences, shopping, healing arts, music, art and drama. The 7,000 copies will be distributed throughout Topanga as well as to adjoining communities, businesses, hotels and restaurants.