Contact: Bonnie Morgan, V.P. of membership – Welcome to our Community! There are many things to uncover and discover in this beautiful mountain place, a bit of rural country in big LA County. Of course, the Topanga Community Club is one of them! We want to welcome our new neighbors with open arms and and an earful of good news about what the Community Club and the Topanga community in general has to offer.
The TCC is a community oriented, non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to protect, maintain, upgrade and enhance the Community House and the grounds entrusted to its care. The TCC is dedicated to serving the Community of Topanga by providing access and support for philanthropic, educational, and community activities and services.
Did you know that we are the only privately held and managed community center in California? We receive none of your taxes from the state and depend entirely upon our memberships, donations and fundraisers (like Topanga Days!)
Categories: Accommodations & Event Locations, Non-Profits & Emergency Resources